Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Soft Skill Training Programme Lecture - Prof. Nitin B Borse (Goal Setting, Interpersonal Relation)

Soft Skill Training Programme -Ozar College,
 Lecture 2016-17
Date 08.12.2016
Seminar Hall - 2
10.00 am to 1.00 pm
 - Prof. Nitin B Borse (Goal Setting, Interpersonal Relation)
For TyBA, TYBCOM and TYBSC Students
Great Response and good interaction

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  प्रदूषण प्रदूषण म्हणजे काय ? नैसर्गिक वस्तूंमध्ये किंवा पर्यावरणात मानवाद्वारे होणाऱ्या घातक बदलांना प्रदूषण म्हणतात . प्र...