Sunday, December 22, 2013

Welcome to Best College Award Committee in Ozar College..........

Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Best Of Farida Khanum: Listening to "The Best Of Farida Khanum" by Farida Khanum on Dhingana!
All the F.Y.B.Sc student were inform that the practical exam. of Geography(Back log) will be held on 5/12/13 at 9 am. contact Prof. NItin Borse. 9420230949
prof .S.L.Wagh  यांचे अभिनन्दन. ओझर महाविद्यालयाचा विद्यार्थी प्रथमच दिल्ली येथील R.D. परेड साठी select झाला 
अविष्कार  २०१३ स्पर्धेसाठी ओझर महाविद्यालयातून ४ संघ पाठविण्यात येत आहेत .
भूगोल,वनस्पतीशास्त्र आणि भौतिकशास्त्र विभागांचे सहभाग बद्दल अभिनन्दन. सदर स्पर्धा ७ डिसेम्बर ला के टी एच एम महाविद्यालयात होत आहे। सर्व संघाना शुभेछ्या . डॉ .एस डी पगार,डॉ शान्डिल्य , भंगाळे madam  आणि निकम madam यांचे विद्यार्थ्यांना मार्गदर्शन केल्याबद्दल आभार

प्रा . नितीन बोरसे

Monday, October 21, 2013

A RC Meeting at Pune University

Prof. Nitin Borse is going to participate in  Meeting at Pune University on 23 Oct.2013.

Dr.Sanjay Pagar Got the grant rs. 1,30,000 from BCUD

Dr.Sanjay Pagar Got the grant rs. 1,30,000 from BCUD for minor research project 2013-15.
Now department of Geography of Ozar college has 2 ongoing research project. Other is sanctioned to Prof. Nitin Borse for the period of 2012-14 (1,40,000)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

S.Y.B.A. Geography Syllabus link....................

Dr. S.D.Pagars Research Project Proposal Presentation

Prof. S.D.Pagar will going to presents his research project proposal on 11 July at BCUD Pune. Best luck. The sanction grant will be beneficial to rich the Geography Dept.

Friday, June 14, 2013

नवीन शैक्षणिक वर्षाच्या हार्दिक शुभेछ्या …।
विद्यार्थी मित्रानो आपले ध्येय निश्चीत करा आणि खूप कष्ट करा . तुमचे भविष्य उज्ज्वल आहे. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

B.C.U.D. sanctioned 75,000 rs. for equipment to Our College... I have a little role in this process so I am  glad.
I.M.P.Question For F.Y.B.Sc.

1. Any One Weather Instrument 
2. 5 Toposheet Symbols and 5 Weather Symbols 
3. Toposheet Interpretation. 2 Points
4. Weather Map Interpretation 2 Points.
5. Isobaric Pattern with weather condition. (2)
6. Geographic features by contours (2)
7. Conversion of scale
a. V.S. in to R.F.
b. R.F. in to V.S.
8. Cross section
9. Short Notes
10. Journal and Prezenty
11. Oral

 Journal should be check b4 Practical Exam.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Today, a national conference is began at Niphad College.

Myself and Prof. Smt. R.C.Pawar Jointly going to present a paper on "The Role of  of Trees and Forest in Urban Environment". This is an interdisciplinary paper mainly based on Secondery data. Internet was widely used for that.

Geog. Teachers like Sanjay Pagar (Ozar), Sangale (Igatpuri), Shinkar, Pekhale (Niphad), Deore (Satana) were participated in it.

Prof. Warat was the cheif guest.

 21. March, 2013

Today a practice exam. of F.Y.B.Sc. Geog. Practical is started. Performance of the student is not satisfying.

Tommarow, next part of the Q. paper will be cerculated.

Time 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. 
एफ वाय बी ए च्या विद्यार्थ्यांना  उपयोगी प्रश्न

सविस्तर उत्तर लिहा

खूप आकृत्या काढा , तरच चांगले मार्क मिळतील

Best Luck From Me and my Department 

Monday, March 18, 2013


F.Y.B.Sc. Geog.  Pre Practical Exam. ( For Practice) will be held in Geog. Dept. on Thursday, 08.00 a.m. Journal should be completed up to that date.

This exam will be of 80 to 100 marks .
Time limit 3 hours.
If any query contact me at Department in Between 8 to 12.45.

Friday, March 15, 2013

१. आजपासून soft skills चे प्रमाणपत्र वाटायला सुरुवात केलि. Second batch च्या काही मुलांनी   नेलेत . उरलेल्यांनी  ताबडतोब घेऊन जावे

2. Today our college apply for the BCUD planing and development grant of 75000 for lab instrument. I am glad that i came to know the online process of application. Naw things alwayss exited me.

Friday, March 8, 2013

S.Y.B.A.  students of my department are not serious about the study. There performance in pre practical exam was very poor. Now Prof. Pagar is taking efforts to improve them but all depends upon the students and their will to learn.
S.Y.B.A.  students of my department are not serious about the study. There performance in pre practical exam was very poor. Now Prof. Pagar is taking efforts to improve them but all depends upon the students and their will to learn.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

parikshyechi tayari

बरेचसे विद्यार्थी खूप अभ्यास करतात. मी इतके तास अभ्यास केला असे गर्वाने सांगतात पण त्यांच्या लक्ष्यात खूप कमी राहते कारण ते समजून उमजून अभ्यास करीत नहित…. प्रत्येक प्रश्न समजून अभ्यास कर… मुद्दे काढा 
Hallow friends/ Students.
 I M starting my blog from today..
 I will upload the important notes, information on this blog..
 plz follow this and get benefited.


  प्रदूषण प्रदूषण म्हणजे काय ? नैसर्गिक वस्तूंमध्ये किंवा पर्यावरणात मानवाद्वारे होणाऱ्या घातक बदलांना प्रदूषण म्हणतात . प्र...