Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Term End Exam. 2017

Today, SYBA students have S-1 paper (Tourism) and TYBA Students Have S-3 (Agri. Geog.). Few students interact with me after paper. Their complaint is time is short. But actually for 60 marks paper 2 hrs. is sufficient.
My suggestion is don't write very long answer. Just write according to question. for 2 marks question 3/4 lines are sufficient.
 Also don't waste time in attractive figures. simple fig. also helpful.

Monday, October 2, 2017

NAAC (Parents meet)

For Students, Specially Geography department students of Nandgaon College.
NAAC Committee will be visit to our college on 9 and 10 oct. 2017.
Committee members will interact with parents , may be in the evening 4.30pm.
Please inform your parents and request them to remain present on that day.
thank you

Term Exam. Oct. 2017

Term End Exam. will be began from tomorrow.
Please see the notice board for exam. time table and sitting arrangement.
If any query, contact to exam section. don't be hesitate.

Best of Luck


  प्रदूषण प्रदूषण म्हणजे काय ? नैसर्गिक वस्तूंमध्ये किंवा पर्यावरणात मानवाद्वारे होणाऱ्या घातक बदलांना प्रदूषण म्हणतात . प्र...