Sunday, July 9, 2017


SYBA (S1) ans TYBA (S4) syllabus is given to students in Marathi.... Please copy it from regular students

Thursday, July 6, 2017

MA 2017 Result

3 Alumni of our department passed the MA Geography (May - 2017)
1. Vaishali Dambale    --- A Grade
2. Jyoti Hengade  --- A grade
3. Minakshi --- A Grade

MA Geog. admission

4 students from Geography department take admission in KTHM college for M.A. Geography
1. Tanuja Dhikale
2. Ashwini Dhikale
3. Laxmikant Savkar
4. Pooja Dhikale

 Best wishes


SYBA and TYBA Geography special admission are open...

Take the form from Chemistry department, fill it and came to Geography dept. for verification and checking.

Fee structure is shown in notice board in front of Principals cabin.


  प्रदूषण प्रदूषण म्हणजे काय ? नैसर्गिक वस्तूंमध्ये किंवा पर्यावरणात मानवाद्वारे होणाऱ्या घातक बदलांना प्रदूषण म्हणतात . प्र...