Monday, July 7, 2014

commencement of Lectures of FYBSc/SYBA

Lecturs of FYBSc and SYBA were begins fron MOnday 7.6.14... Please attend it regularly.

SYBA revised syllabus.

Copy the next link, pest it in address bar and click the enter button. Download or take a print of SYBA revised syllabus.

Course in our college are...
S-1 Tourism Geography
G-2 Climatology

Prof. Nitin Borse

FYBSc. Syllabus link

FYBSc. Syllabus link... please click the following link and see or download the revised syllabus of FYBSc.


 just copy the above link , pest it in address bar and click the enter button

Prof . Nitin Borse


  प्रदूषण प्रदूषण म्हणजे काय ? नैसर्गिक वस्तूंमध्ये किंवा पर्यावरणात मानवाद्वारे होणाऱ्या घातक बदलांना प्रदूषण म्हणतात . प्र...